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  • Danoffice IT Green
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April 1, 2022, the merging of Danoffice IT and edgemo were final and formally a reality. Now, the pieces of the overall organization, which also includes edgemo green (formerly Npvision Group), have come together.

We have spent nearly a year to get everything ready – and we are ready! We are ready to get to work. We are ready for our new joint responsibility, we are aware of it, and we are ready to live up to it.

On March 31, in Hinnerup, we had our first joint kick-off and the vision for the new company was outlined. This is not all about business. Management made it clear that this is not only about IT – it is about people. Those of us who are, as well as those who will become, a part of our family in Danoffice IT and edgemo are the key to ensure that we will succeed in making a difference.

+250 Reasons to Succeed

”Currently, there are more than 250 of us and each and every one of us is important”, CEO Lars Baun emphasizes.  “We are not just a board of directors outlining a business strategy. Historically speaking in both Danoffice IT and edgemo, the people have been the focus, both as it relates to employees and the customers and this will continue to be the case,” is the clear message.

Danoffice IT, edgemo & edgemo green

Earlier this year, it became publicly known that edgemo will continue as an independent brand under Danoffice IT using Danoffice’s Danish CVR-number (21370738). It was also made known that Npvision Group will become a part of the edgemo-brand, yet still operating under its own CVR-number (32840647) and this is now also a reality. Beginning in the summer of 2022, Npvision will operate under the name edgemo green. A powerful name meant to underline the division’s continued work in circular, sustainable management of IT-equipment.

Lars Baun explains: ”Now that everything has finally fallen into place, we are incredibly excited to see it all come to life – now we can truly set sail. The unity will far surpass the sum of the individual pieces we each bring with us” he says, and continues to say: “We will be working in the whole world with our activities in more than 180 countries, but we will increase our footprint and presence in Denmark, both in the East and the West. This will be really powerful.”

The East

As part of the merger, edgemo’s Danish division in the East and Danoffice IT’s offices will move into the newly acquired joint domicile in Ballerup. “It will no doubt be marvelous to gather this many qualified people under one roof. The common tasks are already in progress and there are only positives associated with being able to go to a new co-worker to get feed-back or meet up for lunch and look each other in the eye”, Lars Bain explains and concludes with:” Much further away in the eastern hemisphere, we have just now established a new division in Singapore which will be in charge of coordinating our activities in that part of the world.”

Logos and Colors in the Modern Marriage

If the analogy for this union of our three organizations is that we are entering into a rather modern marriage with three spouses, we bring the names, logos, and colors into the tradition of the bride wearing something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.


  • Old: the names Danoffice IT and edgemo are maintained
  • New: edgemo green is the new name for Npvision and the edgemo logo is given a new endorsement: by Danoffice IT
  • Borrowed: Npvision will ”borrow” the edgemo name and top if off with something green
  • Blue: All logos will have the same dark blue base color

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