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The licensing jungle can be difficult to maneuver and the choices you make must match the development and business strategies in place. Once you have that aligned, you need to ensure you have the resources and specialized skills to operate and maintain your environment. These are positions which are typically just as costly as the cost of the licensing itself. Therefore, Danoffice IT is excited to be able to offer our customers everything in one, as one service, which is all inclusive and which has a short commitment period through our DOIT Citrix Service

Traditionally, you maintain ownership of your licenses regardless of the manufacturer. However, you are typically subject to a long commitment and limited options for customization and growth. Additionally, you need to maintain it yourself.  With that all being true, Ulrik Stub, Lead Architect at Danoffice IT is now sharing why Managed Service for Citrix licenses can make a difference:

“Rather than selling Citrix licenses, we are renting them to our customers. In order for us to do so, we tie it into the operational service,” he says and then elaborates: “Right from the start, there are substantial benefits to the customer. They go from a 3-year commitment to 1 year and from there, they can scale up or down as needed. If they need less licenses, we lower the price accordingly. Being able to adjust your license usage will be a game changer for many companies.” 


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DOIT Citrix Service – Brief Overview 


  • Greater flexibility in terms of shorter commitment period and the ability to customize

  •  The service does not add cost, the price matches the market

  •  Complete match of features for traditional licenses

  • Manpower to provide support, operations and updates

  •  Monthly payments and a 1-year commitment

  • Annual wellness check of the licenses and the environment

  • No minimum for the number of users 


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One, All-Inclusive Price

Will a shift from service-based licenses affect the number of features? Yes, you will get more. “Our service includes the full Citrix platform, but we also offer Netscaller licenses in the same package and we encompass the entire infrastructure of course. This applies whether we are dealing with on-premises, Cloud, or a hybrid thereof,” Ulrik says. He confirms that the focus is on meeting the client’s needs all the way around.

“At the very core of this service is the operations itself. The customer no longer needs to spend resources on updates, maintenance, and support. Citrix CSP stands for Citrix Service Provider and we take that title to heart by freeing up resources for the customer’s IT department. It takes manpower to operate and maintain and we now handle that part for the customer”.   

A Supporting Hand under the Citrix Environment

With the DOIT Citrix Service you are given features in your operations which would be difficult to achieve on your own. In the service, we now offer a support agreement which is the foundation for the entire delivery: “The support agreement is crucial. Within two hours, we will respond to the support tickets submitted by the customer and to all alerts on system failures related to day-to-day operations,” Ulrik explains.

“We manage the Citrix Long Term Service Releases on a more fundamental and ongoing basis. That means that we ensure all updates being completed and we upgrade the backup elements as well. As the customer, you no longer need to stay updated on which components to maintain and when. We ensure that the Citrix environment has a supporting hand at all times. In addition to that, we have annual status meetings, an annual health check and CSI workshops to make sure the customers are fully operational.” 

The Modern IT Organization

What can we do ourselves and what do we want to do ourselves? These are core questions in every modern IT organization. One thing is for sure: the trend is moving towards separating business and development from the operations and routine tasks. At Danoffice IT, we help our customers achieve the goal of not having to maintain heavy specialist positions. It is difficult and expensive and any business benefit from technical maintenance and operations does not outweigh the benefit from having somebody else handle that task. This also allows you to focus on developing the organization and business while using IT as a core parameter to be successful in your strategy, development and growth.

“As the customer, you no longer need to stay updated on which components to maintain and when. We ensure that the Citrix environment has a supporting hand at all times.”

Ulrik Stub, Lead Architect at Danoffice IT


Expertise and Security Go Hand in Hand

Extensive specialization, vast experience and in-depth knowledge of Citrix solutions are not available to everyone. However, as a customer with this service, this is exactly what you get access to: “We likely have the largest base of Citrix specialists in Northern Europe on the Danoffice IT staff so our know-how is in order. Furthermore, because you subscribe to the service, you get access to our consultants. We can see that we make a difference for our customers with our DOIT Citrix Service and the demand for it is high. Therefore, we are now excited to offer this service to even more customers both in Denmark and all over the world,”

Ulrik Stub, Lead Architect at Danoffice IT, concludes.


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