Our position on corruption is simple and obvious: We do not accept any form of fraud or corruption. And we are determined to prevent, detect and deter any form of it. It goes without saying that we have never been involved in, accused of or convicted of any kind of fraud or corruption.
In Danoffice IT, we consider corruption to be a significant obstacle to economic and social development throughout the world. It has a negative impact on sustainable development and is the main reason for the perpetuation of poverty.
We define bribery as: offering or receiving money, goods or other forms of reward from a business associate in exchange for a change in behavior - which the recipient would not otherwise change - for the benefit or interest of the giver.

“We have seen that anti-corruption lies deep within the Danoffice IT DNA, and there has been a great commitment throughout the organization. We have talked to a large number of employees, and everywhere the management of risks associated with corruption has been strong-rooted. We wish Danoffice IT congratulations on the well-earned ISO 37001 certificate”
- Quote from Jørn Jensen, Brand & Business Developer, Bureau Veritas Certification
If you, as a business associate, are associated with Danoffice IT, and if you have knowledge or suspicion of fraud and corruption on the part of one of our employees or one of our affiliated business partners, we ask that you inform our management by writing directly to our whistleblower hotline.